Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vegetarian Lunch

I have been up with my little one for the past two nights...he has a cold and hasn't been sleeping well. So today the twins bought their lunch. But now, I am back and lunches are packed for Friday:)

Thomas has peanut butter and whole wheat Ritz crackers with a spreader, some sugar snap peas, some pasta salad and cut up watermelon.

He has a Fiber One bar and some cashews for his snack.

Stella has peanut butter and whole wheat Ritz crackers with a spreader, some sugar snap peas, some pasta salad and cut up watermelon.

Stella has a Fiber One bar and some cashews for her snack.

Little Jojo has some cut up watermelon, some sugar snap peas, two bread and butter pickles and some pasta salad.


  1. OMG AMy - These not only look good, but BEAUTIFUL! You are amazing!!!!!

  2. Thank you!!! I am a total lunch geek:)


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